Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Better Today

Well, I maintained my good behavior for breakfast today at least. I'm going out to lunch with a co-worker though, to an Indian fusion place that we like. At the very least, the restaurant is vegetarian, and they don't even fry the samosa there, so how bad could that be, really? And although my diet hasn't been doing so great, I am still going to the gym, and have even stepped that up a notch. I added an extra day, and I'm trying to walk when I get home from work. We'll see what happens. For some reason, every time I fall off the Weight Watchers wagon, I can't for the life of me seem to get back on. I guess what it comes down to is that having to do all that fucking math all day just pisses me off.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Bagel Veggie Cream Cheese

Well, we had the bagels leftover from yesterday, was I supposed to just let them get moldy? The veggie cream cheese too-- I should just let it rot, unused in the fridge?

Besides, the green in the veggie cream cheese was in honor of St. Patrick's Day.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Quasi-Real Egg Sammich

Ok, so not the best choice Weight-Watchers-wise--DnD egg and cheese on a wheat bagel. But neither was the Brach's jellybeans or the chocolate I had yesterday. Oh, right, or the Wendy's. Damn. Grilled chicken though! I had the grilled chicken sandwich! I guess between my birthday and Easter, I'm a hopeless case right now. I'm stilling working out at the gym though. Yesterday, my boss asked me if I wanted a strap for the bag of jellybeans I was attacking, so I could just wear it around my head and have the bag attached to my face. Nice, right? I suppose at another office, that would be considered harassment. He backpedaled, and claimed to have not meant it as a fat joke, but was rather a commentary on the speed with which I was inhaling said jellybeans. Brach's jellybeans fucking rule, man. What can I do? He should fucking talk though-- not sure what he has attached feed-bag style to his face, but it's given him a disproportionate sumo-wrestler belly. So there.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Cranberry Cardboard, er Total Again

Maybe I just got so used to eating Special K, that I can't handle the thinness of the Total flakes? They seem weird and unnatural in my mouth. But this morning I dumped some Splenda on them, and they were a little better. I just don't like to waste money, so I am going to finish the box. Plus, it's really nice to know I basically took a multivitamin while just eating my breakfast. Maybe I can grow to love it?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Why is the bakery at Stop and Shop so freaking good!? Well, my consolation was that it was a bran muffin, and it was low fat, but their bakery was calling to me like a siren. And I heeded that call. And it was good.
At least it didn't look like a garden gnome so much this time.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dharma Oatmeal

Yeah, it doesn't get dorkier than this, folks. Several of my co-workers just returned from a business trip in Hawaii (yeah, I know), so I've been using some of their photos to grace my computer desktop. It's not my fault that every one of their pictures looks like The Island to me. So I had no choice but to hold my instant low-sugar oatmeal in my Dharma mug up against such an appropriate backdrop. Well, actually, I suppose I did have the choice, not to be a complete fucking loser, but I never seem to be able to make the right decision there.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Total-ly Back on Track

Back on track with Cranberry Total. Tastes kind of like cardboard with Craisins in it. Yippee. Now what the fuck am I supposed to do with a whole box of this shit?

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sunday Bagel Day

I'm going back on my diet tomorrow, I swear.

Egg bagel, veggie cream cheese. Mmmmmmm.....

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Happy Birthday to Meeee!!

Yes, I made my own birthday cake. Don't think of that as sad and pathetic though-- I got exactly what I wanted, in all its pink-orange-and purple, jelly-bean coated glory. Who else would have made a cake to such extravagant expectations? Some times, you have to take batters in to your own hands. (hahahah! batters, get it!? cake batters!!?? ahahahhahahahahah)

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Old Salt Sunday Brunch

Sunday brunch in New Hampshire at the Old Salt, accompanied by the mellifluous sounds of Mr. George Blodgett on piano!
Omelet station + chocolate fountain = explosive diarrhea!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Lamie's Inn

We were in New Hamphsire for a wedding. I was able to eat on Saturday morning, after being sick most of Friday. I took enough Immodium to keep it in check during the 6 hour car ride. But we had to miss dinner at the bride's mom's house. Anyway, although it looks like oysters, it was really a small bagel with PB&J, and a bowl of fruit with granola on top. It was good. Anything that didn't come out immediately upon eating it, would have been good at that point.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Chinese Food

I suck. It began here. In fact, I was wondering all the next day whether this was what made me sick in the first place. None of my co-workers, who enticed me with their Chinese food wiles, got sick though. But this was certainly where my diet went downhill in a big way. Damn.

Quite a Mouthful

Well, I think this was--you guessed it--Special K Chocolatey Delight. It's hard to remember since I posted this picture almost 2 weeks ago, but didn't write anything. That was before everything went completely to hell. I got a stomach virus, I went to a wedding in New Hampshire, got the stomach virus again, and then ate like a pig as I celebrated my birthday for an entire week. So this is the last day I was being "good". According to the scale, that was also 8lbs ago. How could I possibly have gained 8 lbs in a week and a half? I have no idea. One of the great mysteries of the universe. Either way, it fucking sucks.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Second Verse, Same as the First

I had Special K Cinnamon Pecan again for breakfast this morning-- so no picture. Just go and look at yesterday's. It was identical. Except I didn't have the box posed quite as nicely. For some reason, I enjoyed it much more this morning. Maybe I got a better selection of flakes or something. Maybe I was just freaking starving.

There were so many people at the Y this morning, I couldn't get on the freaking equipment I wanted to. I felt like screaming at these people. It's 6-freaking-a.m. and I can't get on the cardio machines I want to get on!? That is fucked up! Go home, people! Get some sleep! What the fuck is wrong with you!? Is it unreasonable to expect that if I haul my ass to the gym at 6-freaking-a.m. in the morning, that I can get on the stairmaster if I want to!? There is one crappy old stairmaster. There are two really good ellipticals with the arm bars. And they were all crammed full of assholes! So I did 35 minutes on the stationary bike and went on the universal machines. Pissed me off. Could you tell?

I have used the word "freaking" four times in this post.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Cinnamon Pecan Special K

I was very excited when I learned about a new variety of Special K from the Hungry Girl web site-- Cinnamon Pecan. So when I finally found it in my grocery store yesterday, I couldn't wait until breakfast this morning to try it. (Actually, that's true. I didn't wait until morning. They were giving out free samples at Stop and Shop, along with some kind of new Frosted Flakes ["Golden" or some shit.] They were both yummy.) So when I had it for breakfast this morning, I was surprised to find myself decidedly underwhelmed. Maybe all the pecans were at the bottom? It just didn't taste as good-- it almost wasn't sweet enough. That is easily rectified by dumping a bunch of Splenda on top of it (pretty much how I end up eating most "healthy" cereals) but it made me wish I had just stuck with the new standby-- Chocolatey Delight. Damn. Now I have a whole box of it to finish. Those new Frosted Flakes were actually much better.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Why can't I stop eating "eggs"?! I am completely addicted to fake, egg-like substances. With American cheese singles (which, arguably, could also be considered a fake substance.) We have to go to the grocery store, maybe I'll be able to acquire some items to add variety to my breakfast. At the same time... I like what I eat for breakfast, it just doesn't always make for compelling blogging. And it seems to be working. So if it ain't broke...

Friday, February 22, 2008

Snow Day

I hate driving in the snow, so I stayed home today. I suppose if I didn't have an abundance of vacation/personal days available to me, I would've made the effort to go in to work, but I didn't. Plus, I felt like I got everything done yesterday that I needed to, so I'm writing today off. It's a pajama, hot cocoa, and Wii kind of day. My husband is home too. But I won't let that bother me. (I keed, I keed!)

A leisurely snow day breakfast of SpKChocD and "eggs" with cheese. I suppose that is a little gross-- eggs and chocolate? I must have Cadbury Cream Eggs on the brain or something. I wonder how many Points are in one of those? I will make it my mission to find out. Stay toasty!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

I'd Like It To Go, Please

Hmmm. Oatmeal, prunes, and coffee. I sense a theme here. (Prunes and coffee not pictured.)

This morning's lower-sugar oatmeal has been brought to you by the Dharma Initiative's Hydra Station.

I am a colossal dork.

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

"Garden" Variety Breakfast

WTF is this? I grabbed a low-fat corn muffin at the grocery store this morning as I ran in to buy some last-minute birthday cards. It looks like a freaking garden gnome! I'm not really complaining, as I suppose it gave me more muffin-top surface area (and as everyone, especially Elaine Benes, knows, the top is the best part), but it was a little bizarre-looking, don't you think?

One of my co-workers asked me this morning if I was losing weight. I said, "Anything's possible." She told me it showed. I'm not sure it actually does, but it felt nice to hear it.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Breifly Bananas

Not sure what possessed me to have this, but I had a banana cut up in fat free sour cream, with almonds and Splenda. It was ok, not great, but ok. I just wasn't in the mood for cereal, "eggs", Eggos, or oatmeal. Fat free sour cream kind of sucks. I mean, if you are putting it on a potoato or something, it's ok, but as a standalone flavor, not so good. Now I wish I had just had some of my beloved Special K Choc-ee-D. Oh well, tomorrow is another day. At least my coffee was good-- macadamia nut.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Down Twelve

Well, I forgot to take a picture of my breakfast this morning-- which was a small plastic ziplock which contained precisely 50 grams of dry Cinnamon Life. It was fairly ghetto, but I do love me some dry cereal. Anyway, that is so not important, since I have bigger news than that-- I have lost 12 pounds! I started Weight Watchers 6 weeks ago today, and I'm 12lbs less than I was then. It' hardly shows, which is kind of pathetic, but I feel really great and this has all been so manageable. As you can see, I am eating plenty! I would still like to lose 40lbs before the Candy Expo in May, but it's going to be close. Anyway, since I missed my breakfast photo this morning, I'll just post something else:

Suck it, Johnny Depp! Fucking poser.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Mango Shrimp -NOT Breakfast

My husband got sick, and we never made it out to our fancy, fabulous post-Valentine's Day dinner. I saved my Points for nothing, or so I thought, sitting on the couch eating a Lean Cuisine BBQ Chicken Pizza. But the next day, I found myself over my parents' house, and my dad suggested Thai food for dinner. So this is what I was saving up for-- it was worth it!
Mango Shrimp-- look at that presentation!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

"Eggs" Over My Hammy

We are supposed to go out tonight to a fabulously wonderous dinner, so I am trying to keep my breakfast light. It's Better N' Eggs, Boar's Head Low Sodium Ham and a slice of American cheese. It was pretty freaking good! And only 3 Points!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Burnt to a #*&$^%$ Crisp

Adding insult to injury, I insisted on no candy for Valentine's Day. And we didn't go out or really celebrate or do anything. And then I wake up the next morning, and my breakfast ends up like this!

I ate it anyway. Bleh.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Ode to The K

O Special K, Chocolatey Delight
I eat you for breakfast, not just at night
You are sweet, crunchy, chewy, and chocolate-esq
Dance of joy! I leap, twirl, arabesque
(you try to rhyme something with "chocolate-esq, ok?)
That's all I got.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

I <3 Eggos

Man, I fucking love Eggos.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Defintely NOT Breakfast!

Dinner at Blue Water Seafood. I couldn't possibly eat a dozen oysters myself, could I? :)

I ate 11-- my husband managed to choke one down.

Dinner was way yummy.

Hefty, Hefty, Hefty!

Again with the purple soysage. It didn't look like that in real life, I swear. Something is very wrong with my crappy cell phone camera. Ah, I love my big Saturday morning breakfasts!

At the Y this morning, I saw a woman on the elliptical machine with a black Hefty bag hanging out the back of her pants. Seriously. I can only imagine she was doing the ole "sweat out the extra water weight" technique, but I just figured that most people would be too embarassed to engage in that sort of stupidity out in public. She wasn't even fat! Maybe she was trying to fit into a particular dress or something, I don't know. Still, who would do that? And why was it hanging out the back-- didn't she care that everyone would see it and judge her? Or, okay, that I would see it and judge her? I thought you only did that in the privacy of your own home, jogging in place with the shower running on full blast. (Note: I have never done such a thing.) It was just so odd.

The second odd thing I saw at the Y this morning was another woman working out wearing a glitter-laden 2001 tour t-shirt for N*Sync. I swear. She didn't look like she was wearing it ironically, either. I get it, it's the gym-- or rather, this isn't a Crunch in some trendy portion of NYC, it's a suburban NJ YMCA--who gives a flying fuck what you're wearing to work out and get all sweaty? I've certainly shown up in some stunning ensembles. But an N*Sync t-shirt? Really?
I guess I should concentrait on my workout more, and judging the people around me, less. But it sure helps pass the time.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Get a Life

Cinnamon Life and skim milk. Some things you just don't grow out of.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Quaker Low-Sugar oatmeal. Again. It was strongly suggested to us that we start getting in to work on time, as it would reflect well on our subordinates. The latest I usually get in is about 10 or 15 minutes after 9am-- and it's not because I'm lazy or sleeping! When I go to the gym in the morning, it takes me a bit longer to get in. Anyway, I've been eating alot of oatmeal in an effort to not be any later in to work than I have to be.

I had every good intention of eating that banana, but it was too far gone for my own personal taste. My husband likes to eat them when they are still green (blech!) and my dad will eat them when they are so mottled with brown that there isn't a speck of yellow left (blech! again). I like them somewhere in the middle, and this was was just about too overripe for me. Not that you give a shit.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Banana Waffles

What a game yesterday! We had such a fun time at my parents' house, watching a great game, and stuffing our faces! 18-1, suck it Pats!!

I pigged out, but I don't feel bad about it. Jeannie's spinach dip was awesome, as was my sister's macaroni and cheese. I had a few pieces of fried chicken, some spiral ham, some cheese, pizza bagels, and some broken-off pieces of a giant chocolate chip cookie frosted with "Go Giants"! I even had blueberry beer, which was really good. All part of the Big Blue theme, I guess. I didn't get on the scale this morning, and that's probably just as well. Forget it. Onward.

Anyway, back on the wagon this morning. Although look at this wagon! How awesome does my breakfast look? Good ole Nutri-Grain Low Fat Eggos, a banana, SF syrup, Cool Whip Free, and Better'N Eggs. Dee-lish!

Did you see there was a shooting at a Lane Bryant store outside of Chicago? How horrible. Talk about adding insult to injury-- not only having to shop there, but to get shot and killed while doing so. They haven't caught the shooter yet. Digusting. More reason to shop online I guess.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Big Game Day

It's Superbowl Sunday and I'm glad I'm down 8.6lbs going in to it. Hopefully, I can't undo all that good in a single day, since all bets are off this afternoon, as far as I'm concerned. I am planning on not drinking that much though, since I've decided I'd rather eat calories than drink them. We'll see what actually happens though.
For breakfast I had my usual fave Choc Special K, and a 100 Calorie English Muffin with a less-than-carefully measured out portion of low-fat peanutbutter. Peanutbutter has long been my downfall. I'm hoping this will hold me over until we get to the party this afternoon. Maybe I'll take some pictures of all the crap we eat this afternoon, in the hopes that it will make me feel sick and get me right back on track tomorrow morning. I am only a pound and a half shy of my uber-goal of 10lbs the first month. And there is no way in hell I'm getting on the scale tomorrow morning.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Sushi Dinner

We went out for sushi tonight and although I swear we'd ordered the "Sushi Dinner for Two" before at this restaurant, tonight we got the boat! Cool! I always wanted the wooden sushi boat. And sushi is so low in Points! Unfortunately, I ate so much edammame and miso soup before we got on the boat, I had trouble eating all that much sushi. My husband managed to make up some of the difference though.
And of course, we had a little bit of fun with the leftovers. Dorks.

Eggo Cheese

Nutri-Grain Eggos and Egg Beaters with Cheese. Yum!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Opposite of Breakfast

Ok, ok, I've been a little lax in posting-- I do have a life, you know! Yesterday morning, I completely forgot to take a picture. I think I just had--surprise--more Special K Chocolatey Delight. And this morning, I had every intention of snapping a photo of my breakfast, but I had left my phone in my car when I went to the gym, and decided I was too hungry to go and get it. That being said, the picture of my breakfast from Saturday 1/26 was pretty much what I had this morning. Which brings us to the picture above-- not my breakfast. That was actually the snack I had last night. It's a snack-pack size of sugar free Jello pudding (vanilla) a great big glob of lite Cool Whip, and a pack of Hershey's Kisses Snacksters, which is mostly cookie pieces (the part that looks like dog food kibbles) with a scant few pieces of actual Hershey's chocolate. It added a bit of crunch. It was yummy!

Sunday, January 27, 2008


That kind of looks like a giant lump of whipped butter, doesn't it? It wasn't. That's gross. I don't even put butter (or butter-like products) on my pancakes or waffles. If we have breakfast out, and I forget to ask for it not to be on there, I get very upset and shove it off my plate before it has time to melt. I guess the thought of putting butter on something that was already technically fried kind of makes me gag.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wish I Was There

My computer desktop wallpaper is infinitely more appealing than my breakfast was.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Kashi Go-Fart

Damn, I forgot to take a snapshot of yesterday's breakfast. I was doing so well about remembering. Now I don't even remember what I had. Oh well, let's hit today's breakfast while it is still fresh in my mind: a bowl of Kashi Go-Lean cereal which generally does unspeakable things to my stomach and therefore is only ingested on days off, an "Egg" McFauxfin, and some hazelnut coffee. Today is technically my weigh-in day, and the scale reports I'm down somewhere between 5 and 7lbs, because I didn't quite look/record my weight the day I started. So hooray!

I saw Cloverfield on Saturday and absolutely loved it. I thought it was clever and well-done and just an enormous amount of fun. This, judging from message boards and reviews, is not everyone's opinion of the movie, and that's fine. I had a great time, and I was very glad to have went before I had chance to become spoiled or jaded by reading too many things about it. (Case in point, Roger Ebert gives away part of the end of the movie in the very first paragraph of his review. I call "Jackassery!") The Milk Duds tasted freaking awesome too, by the way.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Big Breakfast

Why do my soysage patties look like dog turds?

Had kind of a big breakfast this morning, but I was hungry after the gym. Three Nutri-Grain Low-Fat Whole-Wheat Eggos, two soysage patties, and some Better'N Eggs with sugar free syrup. I really didn't need that 3rd waffle, but it was the last one in the box, and the new box was accidentally the wrong kind, so I would have trouble figuring out the Points if I mixed an old one with a new(wrong) one. I meant to grab the Low-Fat Nutri-Grain Whole Wheat Eggos, and instead grabbed a box of regular ones of the non-low-fat variety. Oh well. I'll make my husband eat them.

Meeting a friend in midtown today to go see Cloverfield. So excited! No one here in NJ would go see it with me, could you believe that? Not even my husband. Not really his cup of movie tea. Well, my one friend definitely would've been in to it, but she's on bed rest for the remaining weeks of her pregnancy. Seriously, you think she would've timed that better.

Not sure if I'm more excited for the movie this afternoon, or the box of Milk Duds I am allowing myself to have there. I'm down about 5lbs or so after two weeks, so I must be doing this right for once!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Some Quick K

We had to take the dog to the vet (just an annual booster shot checkup, no need to worry) so I just had a quick bowl of cereal. Special K Chocolatey Delight is fast becoming my favorite cereal. I like the Special K Red Berries too, but I notice after eating it that my gums feel kind of stingy. Weird.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Egg McFauxfin

Better'N Eggs, Thomas' 100 Calorie English Muffin, a slice of 2% American Cheese. I was going to bring it to work wrapped in tin foil, but it started falling apart. Lest I miss any of this eggy-like goodness, I just ate it at home and was late for work. It was worth it. Plus, 3 Points on Weight Watchers! Booyah!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Berry Yummy

Sorry about my lame Strawberry Shortcake-esq title. Breakfast this morning: Yogurt Burst Cheerios, with an assortment of fresh berries that happened to be in the 'fridge, and light whole wheat toast with blackberry jam. Yum!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Au Chocolat

Special K Chocolately Delight, fat-free milk, and Rain Forest Nut coffee.

I guess I had this cereal in honor of the fact that we were confirmed as attendees for the 2008 AllCandy Expo in Chicago! Yay!I wish I wasn't as excited about this as I really am, but as a life-long candy-lover (yeah, obvs!) I can't wait to live out my real-life Willy Wonka fantasies. (Note: This has nothing to do with Gene Wilder in purple top hat with matching velvet undies. ) It has to do with candy! Wall-to-wall blaring convention center glitz with enough free candy samples to put me in a diabetic coma. Gooooooo insulin!!

All the big name players will be representin': Mars, Hershey, Nestle, Cadbury Adams, NECCO (I freaking hate NECCO wafers though), Pez, Lindt & Sprungli (what's a Sprungli?), Wrigley's, Jelly Belly, and the Ferrara Pan Co. (Don't know Ferrara Pan Co.? You only think you don't. Hello Lemonheads, Atomic Fireballs, Boston Baked Beans, and Red Hots! I defy you to tell me you aren't familiar with any one of those.) It's not *just* candy though, salty snacks and granola bars will also be in the house (Jerky Snack Food, Utz). Hotlix will be there, and I'm not 100% certain but I think they make the tequila flavored lollipops with a worm in them. I don't even want to begin that discussion-- tequila does not have worms!! But I digress. I also want to see what is up with Oral Fixation Mints. (Oh, that was easy. I'm intrigued now.)

Naturally, I'm going wearing my Marketing Assistant/Buyer hat for Giovanni's Deli in beautiful Fair Lawn, NJ. The deli is thinking about branching out into the direction of gourmet chocolate and fine candy gifts, and we are going to check out what's innovative and available in the niche market of fine and unique candies. (That sounds pretty good acutally.)