Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Better Today

Well, I maintained my good behavior for breakfast today at least. I'm going out to lunch with a co-worker though, to an Indian fusion place that we like. At the very least, the restaurant is vegetarian, and they don't even fry the samosa there, so how bad could that be, really? And although my diet hasn't been doing so great, I am still going to the gym, and have even stepped that up a notch. I added an extra day, and I'm trying to walk when I get home from work. We'll see what happens. For some reason, every time I fall off the Weight Watchers wagon, I can't for the life of me seem to get back on. I guess what it comes down to is that having to do all that fucking math all day just pisses me off.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No picture of lunch??? How f*cking disappointing. And remember...After Easter, you can worry 'bout your keester. Does the joy of rhyming Easter with keester ever get old?