Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Opposite of Breakfast

Ok, ok, I've been a little lax in posting-- I do have a life, you know! Yesterday morning, I completely forgot to take a picture. I think I just had--surprise--more Special K Chocolatey Delight. And this morning, I had every intention of snapping a photo of my breakfast, but I had left my phone in my car when I went to the gym, and decided I was too hungry to go and get it. That being said, the picture of my breakfast from Saturday 1/26 was pretty much what I had this morning. Which brings us to the picture above-- not my breakfast. That was actually the snack I had last night. It's a snack-pack size of sugar free Jello pudding (vanilla) a great big glob of lite Cool Whip, and a pack of Hershey's Kisses Snacksters, which is mostly cookie pieces (the part that looks like dog food kibbles) with a scant few pieces of actual Hershey's chocolate. It added a bit of crunch. It was yummy!

Sunday, January 27, 2008


That kind of looks like a giant lump of whipped butter, doesn't it? It wasn't. That's gross. I don't even put butter (or butter-like products) on my pancakes or waffles. If we have breakfast out, and I forget to ask for it not to be on there, I get very upset and shove it off my plate before it has time to melt. I guess the thought of putting butter on something that was already technically fried kind of makes me gag.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wish I Was There

My computer desktop wallpaper is infinitely more appealing than my breakfast was.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Kashi Go-Fart

Damn, I forgot to take a snapshot of yesterday's breakfast. I was doing so well about remembering. Now I don't even remember what I had. Oh well, let's hit today's breakfast while it is still fresh in my mind: a bowl of Kashi Go-Lean cereal which generally does unspeakable things to my stomach and therefore is only ingested on days off, an "Egg" McFauxfin, and some hazelnut coffee. Today is technically my weigh-in day, and the scale reports I'm down somewhere between 5 and 7lbs, because I didn't quite look/record my weight the day I started. So hooray!

I saw Cloverfield on Saturday and absolutely loved it. I thought it was clever and well-done and just an enormous amount of fun. This, judging from message boards and reviews, is not everyone's opinion of the movie, and that's fine. I had a great time, and I was very glad to have went before I had chance to become spoiled or jaded by reading too many things about it. (Case in point, Roger Ebert gives away part of the end of the movie in the very first paragraph of his review. I call "Jackassery!") The Milk Duds tasted freaking awesome too, by the way.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Big Breakfast

Why do my soysage patties look like dog turds?

Had kind of a big breakfast this morning, but I was hungry after the gym. Three Nutri-Grain Low-Fat Whole-Wheat Eggos, two soysage patties, and some Better'N Eggs with sugar free syrup. I really didn't need that 3rd waffle, but it was the last one in the box, and the new box was accidentally the wrong kind, so I would have trouble figuring out the Points if I mixed an old one with a new(wrong) one. I meant to grab the Low-Fat Nutri-Grain Whole Wheat Eggos, and instead grabbed a box of regular ones of the non-low-fat variety. Oh well. I'll make my husband eat them.

Meeting a friend in midtown today to go see Cloverfield. So excited! No one here in NJ would go see it with me, could you believe that? Not even my husband. Not really his cup of movie tea. Well, my one friend definitely would've been in to it, but she's on bed rest for the remaining weeks of her pregnancy. Seriously, you think she would've timed that better.

Not sure if I'm more excited for the movie this afternoon, or the box of Milk Duds I am allowing myself to have there. I'm down about 5lbs or so after two weeks, so I must be doing this right for once!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Some Quick K

We had to take the dog to the vet (just an annual booster shot checkup, no need to worry) so I just had a quick bowl of cereal. Special K Chocolatey Delight is fast becoming my favorite cereal. I like the Special K Red Berries too, but I notice after eating it that my gums feel kind of stingy. Weird.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Egg McFauxfin

Better'N Eggs, Thomas' 100 Calorie English Muffin, a slice of 2% American Cheese. I was going to bring it to work wrapped in tin foil, but it started falling apart. Lest I miss any of this eggy-like goodness, I just ate it at home and was late for work. It was worth it. Plus, 3 Points on Weight Watchers! Booyah!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Berry Yummy

Sorry about my lame Strawberry Shortcake-esq title. Breakfast this morning: Yogurt Burst Cheerios, with an assortment of fresh berries that happened to be in the 'fridge, and light whole wheat toast with blackberry jam. Yum!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Au Chocolat

Special K Chocolately Delight, fat-free milk, and Rain Forest Nut coffee.

I guess I had this cereal in honor of the fact that we were confirmed as attendees for the 2008 AllCandy Expo in Chicago! Yay!I wish I wasn't as excited about this as I really am, but as a life-long candy-lover (yeah, obvs!) I can't wait to live out my real-life Willy Wonka fantasies. (Note: This has nothing to do with Gene Wilder in purple top hat with matching velvet undies. ) It has to do with candy! Wall-to-wall blaring convention center glitz with enough free candy samples to put me in a diabetic coma. Gooooooo insulin!!

All the big name players will be representin': Mars, Hershey, Nestle, Cadbury Adams, NECCO (I freaking hate NECCO wafers though), Pez, Lindt & Sprungli (what's a Sprungli?), Wrigley's, Jelly Belly, and the Ferrara Pan Co. (Don't know Ferrara Pan Co.? You only think you don't. Hello Lemonheads, Atomic Fireballs, Boston Baked Beans, and Red Hots! I defy you to tell me you aren't familiar with any one of those.) It's not *just* candy though, salty snacks and granola bars will also be in the house (Jerky Snack Food, Utz). Hotlix will be there, and I'm not 100% certain but I think they make the tequila flavored lollipops with a worm in them. I don't even want to begin that discussion-- tequila does not have worms!! But I digress. I also want to see what is up with Oral Fixation Mints. (Oh, that was easy. I'm intrigued now.)

Naturally, I'm going wearing my Marketing Assistant/Buyer hat for Giovanni's Deli in beautiful Fair Lawn, NJ. The deli is thinking about branching out into the direction of gourmet chocolate and fine candy gifts, and we are going to check out what's innovative and available in the niche market of fine and unique candies. (That sounds pretty good acutally.)

Monday, January 14, 2008

Boring Monday

Oatmeal in my Key West Mile 0 coffee mug, and a banana. Butter Toffee coffee. Not terribly exciting, but it's a cloudy, dreary Monday, and I did have rather fabulous breakfasts all weekend.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Strawberry Waffles Forever

Nutri-grain Whole Wheat Eggos, Better'N Eggs, Sugar-Free maple syrup, strawberries, and hazelnut coffee. Looks good, doesn't it? My husband commented that it's been difficult to remember that he/we are on a diet! Let's hope that's the trick.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Can I Have a Burrito?

I promise you, that is not strawberry jam on those eggs. It's ketchup, but it does have a weird, inexplicably berry-colored hue. This morning's breakfast consisted of Better'N Eggs prepared with Tabasco, onion powder and peppers, and cut up Morningstar Farms Veggie Sausage Patties, partially rolled into a whole wheat tortilla. Oh, and a little bit of ketchup, obviously. It was only partially rolled because I tend to overstuff any food that requires stuffing, thus not permitting both ends of the tortilla to meet, and the whole thing fell apart when I tried to eat it anyway. I was permitted to use my husband's brand new Henkel knives, that my parents got him for Christmas, to cut up the peppers, although he hovered over me and made sure I didn't lop off a finger. (I think he was more concerned about my ruining his breakfast than retaining all of my digits. We were both pretty hungry by this point, since he waited to eat until I got home from the gym.)

Oh, and I also had half a pummello for a breakfast-appetizer, and it was really good. It's apparently a Chinese grapefruit, and is just a bit sweeter than the regular kind. That didn't make the picture though.

Friday, January 11, 2008

(Cinnamon) Life is Good

Cinnamon Life, fat-free milk = good!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

There's Oatmeal in our Slacks

Had breakfast at work this morning: Brown-sugar instant oatmeal, a banana, and, French Vanilla coffee.

And yes, that is an "Animaniacs" mug, circa 1994-ish. I still love me some Pinky and the Brain. But Rita and Runt always irritated me, as did Buttons and Mindy. There was never enough Slappy Squirrel though. I am very attached to this mug. It's kind of thin though. Poorly constructed. I worry about it breaking. (These are the weighty issues that consume me during the day, important meaning-of-life type stuff.) I guess if something happened to it, I could probably replace it on eBay. (A quick search just showed me that I can indeed do that-- there is one mug for $7.99 in "fine" condition. Good to know.) Maybe I should get an extra, just in case. That would actually be kind of pathetic. Just like this entry.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Chocolate Covered Strawberries (Almost)

Special K Chocolatey Delight (which I love, despite not being a huge fan of chocolate), fat-free milk, and fresh strawberries. Oh, and Rain Forest Nut coffee. The Special K CD is really good. They advertise it as something you're supposed to eat as a late-night snack when you get the sugar-chocolate craving munchies, but I am just fine with having it for breakfast. I pretty much like all the flavors of Special K, although really, what a horrible name. I guess because I'm fat, and have to eat diet cereal for breakfast, I'm also retarded too?

I saw a rainbow this morning while I was walking my dog. I am taking it as some sort of good omen.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Looks Way Less Healthy Than it Was

Two Eggo Nutri-grain fat free waffles, 1 banana, sugar-free maple syrup (not great, but you know) and fat free Cool Whip dusted with cinnamon. Oh, and Irish Cream flavored coffee. (I love you K-Cups!) And I didn't get hungry again until about 11:30am. It looks pretty awesome in the picture, doesn't it?

As I drove in to work this morning, there was a Coca-Cola truck in front of me advertising some sort of new "easy hold easy open" bottle. This seemed kind of odd to me, since I really can't remember having ever had an issue opening or holding a 20oz bottle of Coke varietals. So when I got into work, I checked the Coke site and found a press release about the newly shaped bottles. The new bottle is supposed to offer me "enhanced on the-go-convenience" for my "immediate refreshment." Whoa!! How can they do such a wondrous thing, you ask? Through the addition of "texture and grip enhancements." Fantastic! Now Coke Zero is ribbed for my pleasure!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Special O.K.

Special K Red Berries and skim milk and hazlenut coffee. Can you just feel the health?

I don't know if it's health that I'm feeling, since I was up half the night, tossing and turning, my dog peed on my bed, and I had to sleep on a towel at 3:30am. And I still got up and went to the gym. If this is health I'm feeling, it kind of feels like shit.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Bagel Sunday

Everything bagel with veggie cream cheese, whitefish salad on the side (my family is Jewish, what can I say?), and rain forest nut coffee. We are both seriously going on diets tomorrow, so I figured I might as well get what I want. My breakfasts are going to be healthy from now on, I promise.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Leggo My Eggnog Coffee

Yogurt Burst Cheerios (Vanilla) with skim milk. The eggnog was in my coffee, not in my cereal. It was eggnog flavored coffee too, so it was a double-blast of noggocity.

It's Saturday, which is a great, since my breakfast yesterday was about the only good thing that happened to me that morning. I found myself unwittingly in the middle of a power struggle between two higher-ups that ultimately had nothing to do with me. Except for the fact that after being encouraged by my boss to make more decisions without his input, I made a decision based on input from the other party, and it was apparently the wrong decision. My boss took it out on the other party, who I guess was perceived as sticking her nose in where it didn't belong, or, even purposely and subtly persuading me to do the exact opposite of what my boss wanted. I corrected it immediately, but a flurry of tension and snotty emails ensued. Bleh. This morning is much better, probably because I'm still in my pajamas, and about to go play Super Mario Galaxy.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Eggsactly Cheesy

Yeah, not the healthiest option, but it's Friday. And we haven't started our diets yet. The new year began in the middle of the week-- who starts a diet on a Wednesday? It's blasphemy.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Have we relocated to the arctic circle? This is freaking ridiculous! The thermometer in my car said it was 18 degrees when I left for work this morning. More oatmeal, if only so that I can hold the cup to warm my hands.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Back to Work

Fast, pretty healthy, and tasty too.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy 2008!

Ok, so one day after starting this blog, I already forget to take a photo of my breakfast. Which is a shame, because I think it consisted of some leftover Italian bread with ICBINB, and some Christmas cookies. I wasn't hungover, because I opted to drive home last night and had just a few glasses of sangria (which I made, and was very good, thank you very much) during the festivites at my sister's house.

Anyway, since I didn't take a picture of my actual breakfast this morning, and I also don't have a hangover, let's pretend for a moment that I did and I do. Luckily, I have a picture of my typical hangover breakfast! (Which just goes to show that I already had the odd habit of taking cell phone pictures of my food for no apparent reason. I now have a reason, at least.) Put on your yummy pants!

Yes, that is a bagel with cream cheese and Cool Ranch Doritos. Crunchy-creamy-salty-ranchy goodness. You can't see the side of orange Gatorade that accompanied it, but I assure you, it was there. It's got electrolytes, you know.

Should I be at all concerned that this looks kind of good to me right now?