Thursday, January 10, 2008

There's Oatmeal in our Slacks

Had breakfast at work this morning: Brown-sugar instant oatmeal, a banana, and, French Vanilla coffee.

And yes, that is an "Animaniacs" mug, circa 1994-ish. I still love me some Pinky and the Brain. But Rita and Runt always irritated me, as did Buttons and Mindy. There was never enough Slappy Squirrel though. I am very attached to this mug. It's kind of thin though. Poorly constructed. I worry about it breaking. (These are the weighty issues that consume me during the day, important meaning-of-life type stuff.) I guess if something happened to it, I could probably replace it on eBay. (A quick search just showed me that I can indeed do that-- there is one mug for $7.99 in "fine" condition. Good to know.) Maybe I should get an extra, just in case. That would actually be kind of pathetic. Just like this entry.

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